In accordance with G.L. c. 90, §22(f), the Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles suspends the driver’s licenses of those who have been convicted of drug
Don’t Drive on a Suspended License!
One of my clients recently contacted me looking for a referral to a criminal defense lawyer. The client had an 8 year OUI 3rd offense revocation and I
Your Mass. Driving Record Controls DUI Suspension Length
I recently received this inquiry: I had a driving while under the influence of alcohol (DWI) in 2005. I pled out and received a CWOF (continuance
Hardship License Hours
The Massachusetts Registry and its Appeals Board grant hardship licenses to qualified individuals who have had their licenses revoked or suspended.
Massachusetts Appeals Court Rules on Suspension Appeal Procedures
In the case of Commonwealth v. Bougiokas, which was decided on May 19, 2014, the Massachusetts Appeals Court announced the procedure to be followed to
Out of State Suspension Q&A
Situation: I moved here from the State of Hawaii for work and school. The job that I had lined up for me requires a valid Massachusetts Driver’s
Immediate Threat Indefinite Revocations
If the Mass. Registry receives information indicating that your continued operation of a Motor Vehicle in Massachusetts would result in an immediate
National Driver Register (NDR) Suspensions
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (MCSIA) requires all state Motor Vehicle Departments to verify a license holder or license