Hardship licenses issued by the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles will bear an “H” restriction, indicating that the license is only valid for a
RMV Record vs. Court Record
The Registry of Motor Vehicles calculates breathalyzer refusal and drunk driving license suspensions based on your number of prior DUI convictions,
Probation Letters for Mass. Hardship Licenses
One of the Registry’s hardship license requirements for a repeat DUI offender is that he provides a one sentence letter, not more than 30 days old,
Correcting your Mass. RMV Driving Record
Getting a hardship license or being denied often depends on your prior record. However, Mass DOT records are not always accurate. Sometimes there is a
Mass. Hardship Licenses & SR-22 Requirements
When a person’s driver’s license or right to drive in suspended or revoked for DUI in the State of New Hampshire, the NH DMV will require proof of
Mass. Hardship Licenses & Public Transportation
In Massachusetts, as in many other states, access to public transportation can disqualify you from being issued a hardship or work license. This is
Mass. Hardship License Denials
Simply having all of the items required for a hardship license does necessarily mean that a Registry Hearings Officer will grant you a reinstatement.
No Hardship License for NDR Indefinite Suspensions
A gentleman recently appeared before the Board of Appeal with a lawyer to attempt to get hardship relief on a National Driver Register (NDR)