As a result of a 4th DUI conviction in Massachusetts, your license will automatically be revoked for 10 years and you can be considered for a hardship license after serving 5 years of the 10 year revocation. Of course, 5 years without a license is a long time to wait before being considered for a hardship license. However, Massachusetts is more lenient that some states.
To get a hardship license, 4th offenders must have a very compelling need to drive. Inconveniences and minor hardships will not qualify. If you have a 10 year DUI revocation, you must present substantial evidence at your hardship license hearing. Hiring a lawyer is strongly recommended, as these hardship appeals are almost always uphill battles and they require a considerable about of planning and preparation.
To determine whether you are a 4th offender, the Registry can review and consider your Massachusetts driving record as well as your records in other states and your court records. Any drunk driving conviction which occurred anywhere at any time can be counted.