If you are a DUI first offender in Massachusetts and you are seeking a hardship license, you may need to have an ignition interlock device installed
Hand Sanitizer and the Ignition Interlock Device
All repeat DUI offenders in Massachusetts are required to use a certified ignition interlock device during the length of any hardship license and for
RMV Cracks Down on Ignition Interlock Violations
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles has renewed its efforts to impose 10-year license revocations for ignition interlock violations,
Contesting an Ignition Interlock Device Lockout
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles requires interlock use certain DUI offenders during the term of any hardship license and for at least 2
Bill would expand Ignition Interlock Device Use
Massachusetts Governor Baker has filed legislation which would dramatically expand the use of ignition interlock devices by requiring all DUI first
The Ignition Interlock Installation Process
G.L. c. 90 § 24 ½ requires all repeat OUI offenders in Massachusetts to use an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) during the term of any Cinderella
MA Ignition Interlock Devices
Melanie’s Law requires the Registry to impose a mandatory “Z” Ignition Interlock Device restriction on any DUI Hardship License issued to a person who
Initial Start Ignition Interlock Violations
The Registry’s Ignition Interlock Department is now penalizing drivers for initial start ignition interlock violations. Previously, the Registry would