The Registry of Motor Vehicles conducts hardship license hearings at various Registry branches throughout Massachusetts, in locations such as Boston, Brockton, Worcester, Springfield, Lawrence, and South Yarmouth.
Prior to the commencement of your Registry hearing, the hearings officer will have thoroughly reviewed your criminal record (CORI) and your driving record. The hearings officer will also check other states to see if you committed any DUIs elsewhere. Under Melanie’s Law, DUI convictions in any other state at anytime will count against you for license suspension purposes.
The RMV hearings officer will check your name in the National Driver Register to see if your license or right to drive is suspended in any other state. If the hearings officer finds that you are blocked in any other state, you will be denied a hardship license. The Registry will not issue a Massachusetts hardship license when there is a NDR block.
You should be prepared to wait for your Registry Hardship License Hearing, because the Registry does not have a sufficient number of hearings officers. These dedicated employees handle a high volume of cases each day and their computer system is archaic and not “user friendly.” . When it finally comes time for your hardship license hearing, you must convince the hearings officer that (1) you have no alternative means of transportation, (2) you have a legitimate need to drive, (3) you are not a danger to public safety, and (4) you meet the Registry’s hardship license criteria. Only when you satisfy the RMV hearings officer regarding the above-listed items will you be granted a hardship license. However, even if you meet all of the requirements, the hearings officer can still legally deny you relief. An attorney can help you make your case and increase your chances of getting your license reinstated.