So, you find yourself in the position of needing a hardship license in the state of Massachusetts. You have had your license revoked, for one reason or another, and now need to apply for a hardship license in order to get back on the roads (at least on a limited basis). If the loss of your license has had a significant impact on your life – and it probably has – obtaining the ability to drive legally during parts of the day could be a huge weight off your shoulders. With that in mind, finding a Massachusetts hardship license lawyer to help with your situation could be a big help.
Do You Need Help with Your Massachusetts Hardship License?
To be clear, it is not a requirement to have a lawyer working with you when trying to obtain a hardship license. You can choose to go through the process by yourself, hoping for a successful outcome. However, assuming this is your first time going through the application process, you might be asking for trouble if you go it alone. There are a few steps to follow, and you will need to attend a hearing where you will meet with an RMV hearing officer. Without the right documentation, or the ability to clearly explain your hardship, you may be unsuccessful in the end.
One common mistake that is made by those applying for a hardship license is making the assumption that the application is simply a formality. Some seem to think that receiving this license is a given, as long as you have the right paperwork and go through the process correctly. That is not the case. The RMV is not required by the law to provide you with a hardship license, so you need to take this application process seriously from start to finish. Giving this anything less than your full attention and effort is likely to reduce your odds of a positive outcome.
An Honest Look
By working with a Massachusetts hardship license lawyer, you stand to potentially enjoy a number of benefits. For starters, you’ll be able to ask the lawyer to take an honest look at the status of your case. Are you likely to be approved, or are there problems that may cause the RMV to deny your application? It’s hard to do this kind of evaluation on your own for a couple of reasons.
First, you are always going to see yourself in a positive light, meaning you think that you deserve to receive the license. A lawyer can be impartial, looking at the facts and offering you an opinion. Also, if you work with a lawyer who has experience with hardship license cases, you can tap into that experience and use it to your advantage. What kinds of issues usually lead to a denial? What can you do to position yourself for success? For someone who has never before been through this process, accessing the knowledge possessed by an experienced lawyer is a powerful thing.
Analyzing your chances of success is an important step, as you don’t want to present your case until you are confident that you’ll come out on the right side. If your lawyer doesn’t think that you’ll be approved just yet, you can consider taking some steps to better your odds before revisiting the idea later down the line. It’s obviously frustrating to not have the legal ability to drive but being patient and picking the right time to apply is in your best interest.
Respect for the Situation
Until the moment you lost your license, you probably took for granted the freedom that comes along with holding a valid driver’s license. Most people get a license at some point during their high school years, and there is a sense of excitement and opportunity that comes along with holding that license. There are no guarantees that you get to keep it, however, and making a few mistakes along the way can leave you in a position where you are no longer able to drive.
Regaining your ability to drive – even if only for 12 hours per day – would be a big step forward in the battle to get your life back on track. It will be much easier to get to work or school each day, and you won’t have to rely as much on others to help you with day to day tasks and chores. Understanding just how important it is to regain your ability to drive, retaining the services of a Massachusetts hardship license lawyer is a choice that makes a lot of sense.
We appreciate the time that you have taken to stop by, and we hope the information above has been helpful. Remember, there are no guarantees when it comes to applying for a MA hardship license, so follow the application process carefully and work with a lawyer if you decide doing so will be in your best interest.